Fundraising with Vale
One of the main purposes of Vale Apiaries is to assist Saskatchewan non-profit organizations and charities in reaching their fundraising goals.
At this point 30% of all honey sales are being contributed towards our partner organizations.
Upcoming fundraisers:
Redberry Bible Camp - August 18 through September 7, 2024. We are working in cooperation with Christian Fellowship Church in Lanigan and Philadelphia Church in Watrous to support Redberry Bible Camp's general budget
Are you a Saskatchewan non-profit organization that relies on fundraising and would like to partner with us?
If you are, we can help!
Assisting organizations in meet their fundraising goals is a major part of what we do. The fundraising portion of our business is not an add-on. We're so serious about it that we have committed to contributing a portion of every sale to supporting our local Saskatchewan non-profit organizations.
Here's why...
You matter! You are an important part of our community. It takes literally thousands of honey bees to make up a hive. Their community is vital, and the larger the community, the stronger it is. Each bee knows its role and it works with thousands of other bees in its colony to produce that sweet nectar we call honey. If you separate a bee from its hive, it will not survive. Together they are strong!
It's the same with the communities we live in. Just like the bees, we need others around us. We need you there, helping to build our communities.
How it works
People love honey and we have great honey!
Our goal is to provide you with a simple and effective fundraising solution. We will create marketing tools specific to your organization for you to hand out. Included will be a link for your supporters to access our website to place and pay for their order.
You don't need to deal with cash coming in or compiling order forms. Just promote your fundraiser! Once the campaign is complete, we will deliver the honey to a pre-determined site for you to sort and distribute the orders.
The first step to take is to fill out our application form. Once we receive it. We will review your application and let you know if your organization qualifies.
If approved, we will send out an introductory package, containing a list of our products and information on the process. Finally, we will schedule an in-person meeting to go over the finer details and sign a contract.
We are currently providing our partner organizations a return of 30% of our honey sales.